
Here you can display information about completed working hours in the activity.

Requirement You can only enter timesheet in the Rillsoft Integration Server interface.

In order to assign timesheet to the selected activities, do as follows:

  • Activate the tab Timesheet in the window Activity properties.


All employees assigned to the task are listed here.

Name Name of assigned employee

Effort shows the effort planned in the activity for this employee

Close how much of the planned effort the employee has already done for the activity

Open shows still open effort in the activity for this employee

Notes Notes


Here you can see for an employee selected in the left table, how did he complete the task day by day.

Week in which calendar week did the employee work for the activity

Weekday on which day of the week the employee worked for the activity

Date Date

Effort shows the effort planned for this employee during the day and for the activity

Close shows how much of the planned effort the employee has already done on the day

Schicht daytime