Machinery propertiesΒΆ

If you click on a row in the table at a machine view, you can display detailed information about the machine in the properties window.

Machinery View Resource Properties

The machine information can be tracked on the following tabs:

  • Activities

  • Machine

  • Team members


Machinery View Activities Properties

In the No. column, you can assign the activities to the selected machine by marking them.

This provides you with further information about the activities.

The option Only assigned activities reduces the activity list to the activities already assigned.

Only activities with matching role only those activities are listed to which a role exercised by the machine is already assigned.


Machinery Properties

On the tab, you can see the characteristics of a machine entered in the resource pool, including its machine type.

Team members

The tab lists other machines with their properties from the resource pool if the machines are grouped into a team.

Activities on specific date

Machinery View on specific date

You can filter out transactions that are due in a certain period of time. If you click with the left mouse button on a cell that is a result of the machine row and the date column, you will only see the activities that come into question for the selected period.

Activities on specific date