Define machine types that can be sharedΒΆ
Machine types that can be shared can be used by predefined activities simultaneously without increasing the number of machines.
The costs are not allocated to the individual activities; they are calculated as a whole and for each of the activity separately.
Example 1 (shared machine types) Scaffolding is defined as a shared resource and will be used for several activities, such as window installation or facade plaster. In case of time conflicts of the activities using this resource, the number of the required scaffold is not added up, but remains constant on defined number level.
Example 2 (separately used machine types allocated to activities) A special drilling machine is allocated in the activity properties as machine used for several activities. In case of a time conflict of the activities using this resource, the number of the required machines will be added up.
In order to define shared machine types, do as follows:
Activate the tab Machine types that can be shared in the window Project properties.
Doubleclick on a machine type in the left table to define it as a shared machine type.
Enter the Number of the required machine types and their Load in the table to the right.
Click on the button
in the column Activities. The dialogue Activities using the same resources opens:
Select from the activities list the ones that should share the machine type.
Click on the button OK. The selected activities are entered in the column Activities.
Click on the button OK.
You can reduce the drop down list of machine types by entering a string value of the group name, the name or code in the field Filter.
The view Machine types (tab Project properties) shows each of the shared machine types separately. The table of the selected, commonly usable machine types shows each of the shared machine types separately.